This build uses Master of MagicNightfallElementalist. Energy Storage 14Master of MagicElite Enchantment SpellFor 57 seconds, all of your elemental attributes are set to 14 and your elemental spells return 30% of their Energy cost.5110 to combine synergizing spells from all elements in one hero build.
NightfallElementalist. Energy Storage 14Master of MagicElite Enchantment SpellFor 57 seconds, all of your elemental attributes are set to 14 and your elemental spells return 30% of their Energy cost.5110
NightfallElementalist. Fire Magic 14Elemental FlameEnchantment SpellFor 33 seconds, whenever you apply an Elemental hex to a foe, that foe is set on fire for 5 seconds.10130
NightfallElementalist. Air Magic 14Chilling WindsHex SpellTarget foe and all adjacent foes are struck for 58 cold damage. For 10 seconds, the next water Hex targeting a hexed foe lasts 95% longer.518
CoreElementalist. Water Magic 14Deep FreezeHex SpellYou cause a Deep Freeze at target foe's location. All foes in this area are struck for 80 cold damage, and for 10 seconds, they move 66% slower.25215
CoreElementalist. Water Magic 14Blurred VisionHex SpellFor 10 seconds, target foe and adjacent foes are Hexed with Blurred Vision. While Hexed, those foes have a 50% chance to miss with attacks.10112
FactionsElementalist. Earth Magic 14Ash BlastHex SpellTarget and adjacent foes are struck for 63 earth damage. Burning foes struck by Ash Blast are hexed for 5 seconds and have a 71% chance to miss with attacks.5115
FactionsElementalist. Air Magic 14Teinai's WindSpellTarget foe and all adjacent foes take 38 cold damage. Burning foes struck by Teinai's Wind take an additional 77 damage and are interrupted.518
NightfallElementalist. Fire Magic 14Glowing GazeSpellDeals 47 fire damage. You gain 5 Energy plus 1 Energy for every 2 ranks of Energy Storage if target foe is Burning.518
Template code
Ash BlastFactionsElementalist. Earth Magic 14Ash BlastHex SpellTarget and adjacent foes are struck for 63 earth damage. Burning foes struck by Ash Blast are hexed for 5 seconds and have a 71% chance to miss with attacks.5115 to Earthen ShacklesEotNElementalist. Earth Magic 14Earthen ShacklesHex SpellFor 3 seconds, target and all nearby foes move 90% slower. When Earthen Shackles ends, it applies Weakness for 19 seconds.10115 if you want to insure more burning.
While Master of MagicNightfallElementalist. Energy Storage 14Master of MagicElite Enchantment SpellFor 57 seconds, all of your elemental attributes are set to 14 and your elemental spells return 30% of their Energy cost.5110 is active, prismatic Insignias grant 20 armour rating.
A bit of micro-management is needed:
if you want the hero to maintain Master of MagicNightfallElementalist. Energy Storage 14Master of MagicElite Enchantment SpellFor 57 seconds, all of your elemental attributes are set to 14 and your elemental spells return 30% of their Energy cost.5110 outside of battle. The duration of 57sec will be helpfull in that regard.
to insure Elemental FlameNightfallElementalist. Fire Magic 14Elemental FlameEnchantment SpellFor 33 seconds, whenever you apply an Elemental hex to a foe, that foe is set on fire for 5 seconds.10130 is active before your hero starts to cast hexes.
Due to the base attribute spread temporarily losing master of magic won't entirely disable this build. It also guarantees an armour rating bonus of 15 via prismatic insignia when losing all enchantments (unless under the effects of weakness or wail of doomFactionsNecromancer. Soul Reaping Wail of DoomElite Hex SpellFor 1..3..4 second[s], all of target foe's attributes are set to 0.10%1¼15).
The build is very effective when it comes to inflicting burning on multiple enemies. Only a few creatures are immune to burning and it is the only condition that can affect Spirits. While spirits can't be targetted with hexes and area hexes won't apply, attempting to apply an area hex on a spirit will trigger burning through elemental flame.
Ash BlastFactionsElementalist. Earth Magic 14Ash BlastHex SpellTarget and adjacent foes are struck for 63 earth damage. Burning foes struck by Ash Blast are hexed for 5 seconds and have a 71% chance to miss with attacks.5115 will only count as a hex when the target foe is already burning. Unfortunately, the hero doesn't understand this. Meaning the extra benefits you get from the burning + the extra burning from Elemental FlameNightfallElementalist. Fire Magic 14Elemental FlameEnchantment SpellFor 33 seconds, whenever you apply an Elemental hex to a foe, that foe is set on fire for 5 seconds.10130 won't be provided all the time.
Similar to Ash BlastFactionsElementalist. Earth Magic 14Ash BlastHex SpellTarget and adjacent foes are struck for 63 earth damage. Burning foes struck by Ash Blast are hexed for 5 seconds and have a 71% chance to miss with attacks.5115, the hero will also use Teinai's WindFactionsElementalist. Air Magic 14Teinai's WindSpellTarget foe and all adjacent foes take 38 cold damage. Burning foes struck by Teinai's Wind take an additional 77 damage and are interrupted.518 as a basic damage skill and doesn't always take into consideration its conditional effect.