FactionsMonk. Healing Prayers 15Healing BurstElite SpellTarget ally is healed for 160(+42). All party members in earshot of your target gain Health equal to the Divine Favor bonus from this spell. Your Smiting Prayers are disabled for 20 seconds.5¾4
EotNMonk. Healing Prayers 15Patient SpiritEnchantment SpellFor 2 seconds, target ally is Enchanted with Patient Spirit. Unless this enchantment ends prematurely, that ally is healed for 120 Health when the enchantment ends. Target ally gets healed for 42 Health.5¼4
CoreMonk. Healing Prayers 15Infuse HealthSpellLose half your current Health. Target other ally is healed for 136% of the amount you lost. Target ally gets healed for 42 Health.10¼
EotNMonk. Healing Prayers 15Cure HexSpellRemove one Hex from target ally. If a Hex was removed, that ally is healed for 120 Health. Target ally gets healed for 42 Health.5112
FactionsAssassin. UnlinkedDashStanceFor 3 seconds, you run 50% faster.58
Template code
Variable skill slots
Additional healing
Signet of RejuvenationFactionsMonk. Healing Prayers 15Signet of RejuvenationSignetHeal target ally for 75. If target ally is casting a spell or attacking, that ally is healed for an additional 75 Health.18
Vigorous SpiritPropheciesMonk. Healing Prayers 15Vigorous SpiritEnchantment SpellFor 30 seconds, each time target ally attacks or casts a Spell, that ally is healed for 20 Health.5¼4
Additional hex removal
Spotless MindEotNMonk. Healing Prayers 15Spotless MindEnchantment SpellFor 15 seconds, target other ally loses a Hex every 5 seconds.5¼12
Remove HexCoreMonk. UnlinkedRemove HexSpellRemove a Hex from target ally.518
Holy VeilCoreMonk. UnlinkedHoly VeilEnchantment SpellWhile you maintain this Enchantment, any Hex cast on target ally takes twice as long to cast. When Holy Veil ends, one Hex is removed from target ally.-15112
Condition removal
Purge ConditionsCoreMonk. UnlinkedPurge ConditionsSpellRemove all Conditions (Poison, Disease, Blindness, Dazed, Bleeding, Crippled, Burning, Weakness, Cracked Armor, and Deep Wound) from target ally.5¼20
Spotless SoulEotNMonk. Healing Prayers 15Spotless SoulEnchantment SpellFor 15 seconds, target other ally loses a Condition every 3 seconds.5¼12
Catch spikes with Infuse HealthCoreMonk. Healing Prayers 15Infuse HealthSpellLose half your current Health. Target other ally is healed for 136% of the amount you lost.10¼.
Heal allies with Healing BurstFactionsMonk. Healing Prayers 15Healing BurstElite SpellTarget ally is healed for 160. All party members in earshot of your target gain Health equal to the Divine Favor bonus from this spell. Your Smiting Prayers are disabled for 20 seconds.5¾4 and Patient SpiritEotNMonk. Healing Prayers 15Patient SpiritEnchantment SpellFor 2 seconds, target ally is Enchanted with Patient Spirit. Unless this enchantment ends prematurely, that ally is healed for 120 Health when the enchantment ends. 5¼4.
Reduce the pressure further with Vigorous SpiritPropheciesMonk. Healing Prayers 15Vigorous SpiritEnchantment SpellFor 30 seconds, each time target ally attacks or casts a Spell, that ally is healed for 20 Health.5¼4 or Signet of RejuvenationFactionsMonk. Healing Prayers 15Signet of RejuvenationSignetHeal target ally for 75. If target ally is casting a spell or attacking, that ally is healed for an additional 75 Health.18.
Remove hexes with Cure HexEotNMonk. Healing Prayers 15Cure HexSpellRemove one Hex from target ally. If a Hex was removed, that ally is healed for 120 Health.5112.
Use DashFactionsAssassin. UnlinkedDashStanceFor 3 seconds, you run 50% faster.58 as a general speedboost and for kiting purposes.