This build focuses on using Bone Fiends to deal damage with ranged minion attacks. Bone Fiends attack with a 66.6% attack speed boost (40% IAS) compared to other minions, resulting in great pressure and occasional spikes.
EotNNecromancer. Death Magic 18Putrid BileHex SpellFor 23 seconds, target foe suffers -3 Health degeneration. If that foe dies while under the effects of this Hex, all nearby foes take 97 damage.10112
EotNNecromancer. Soul Reaping 15MasochismEnchantment SpellFor 40 seconds, you have +2 to your Death Magic and Soul Reaping attributes and sacrifice 3% of your maximum Health when you cast a spell.5120
Template code
Optional Elite Skill (slot 1)[]
Animate Flesh GolemFactionsNecromancer. Death Magic 18Animate Flesh GolemElite SpellExploit nearest corpse to animate a level 29 Flesh Golem. The Flesh Golem leaves an exploitable corpse. You can have only one Flesh Golem at a time.10330 for general use.
Icy VeinsFactionsNecromancer. Soul Reaping 15Icy VeinsElite Hex SpellTarget foe is struck for 90 cold damage. For 35 seconds, if target foe dies all nearby foes are struck for 110 cold damage.1015 for higher spiking power. Increase Soul Reaping to 12+1. See N/Any Icy Veins Hero
DiscordFactionsNecromancer. Death Magic 18DiscordElite SpellIf target foe is suffering from a Condition and under the effects of a Hex or an Enchantment, that foe suffers 126 damage.512 to deal additional damage.
Blood of the MasterCoreNecromancer. Death Magic 18Blood of the MasterSpellAll of your undead allies are healed for 133 Health. You sacrifice an additional 2% maximum Health per minion healed in this way.5%512 for minion healing.
Animate Shambling HorrorNightfallNecromancer. Death Magic 18Animate Shambling HorrorSpellExploit nearest corpse to create a level 20 shambling horror with 480 Health and 120 armor. When the shambling horror dies, it is replaced by a level 18 jagged horror with 480 Health and 120 armor that causes Bleeding with each of its attacks.15325 if melee minions are desired.
Putrid ExplosionCoreNecromancer. Death Magic 18Putrid ExplosionSpellThe corpse nearest your target explodes, sending out a shockwave that deals 139 damage to nearby foes.1015 for additional damage.
Dark AuraCoreNecromancer. Death Magic 18Dark AuraEnchantment SpellFor 30 seconds, whenever target ally sacrifices Health, Dark Aura deals 59 shadow damage to adjacent foes, and you lose 23 Health.10110 – support for soul takerCoreNecromancer. Soul Reaping 18Soul TakerElite Enchantment SpellFor 35 seconds, your attacks sacrifice 21 health and deal +21 more damage. PvE only.5115 builds.
OptionalCoreNo Profession. UnlinkedOptionalOptionalOptional. (put 10 in Curses):
Enfeebling BloodCoreNecromancer. Curses 10Enfeebling BloodSpellTarget foe and all nearby foes suffer from Weakness for 15 seconds.10%118 - for melee shutdown.
Mark of PainCoreNecromancer. Curses 10Mark of PainHex SpellFor 30 seconds, whenever target foe takes physical damage, Mark of Pain deals 30 shadow damage to adjacent foes.10120 - for AoE damage from melee.
BarbsCoreNecromancer. Curses 10BarbsHex SpellFor 30 seconds, target foe takes 10 more damage when hit by physical damage.1025 - to boost damage from minions and melee players.
Weaken ArmorCoreNecromancer. Curses 10Weaken ArmorSpellTarget foe and foes adjacent to your target have Cracked Armor for 15 seconds.515 - to increase damage output.
OptionalCoreNo Profession. UnlinkedOptionalOptionalOptional. (put 10 in Blood Magic):
Blood BondFactionsNecromancer. Blood Magic 10Blood BondHex SpellFor 9 seconds, target foe and all adjacent foes are hexed with Blood Bond. Whenever an ally hits one of them with an attack, that ally gains 15 Health. If one of these foes dies while hexed, all allies adjacent to that foe are healed for 73 Health.518 - to heal minions efficiently.
Strip EnchantmentCoreNecromancer. Blood Magic 10Strip EnchantmentSpellRemove 1 enchantments from target foe. If an enchantment is removed, you steal 45 Health.10120 - for enchantment removal.
Mend Body and SoulFactionsRitualist. Restoration Magic 10Mend Body and SoulSpellTarget ally is healed for 83 Health. That ally loses one Condition for each spirit within earshot.5¾3 - for healing and condition removal.
Spirit LightFactionsRitualist. Restoration Magic 10Spirit LightSpellTarget ally is healed for 140. If any Spirits are within earshot, you don't sacrifice Health.17%514 - for healing.
Protective Was KaolaiFactionsRitualist. Restoration Magic 10Protective Was KaolaiItem SpellHold Kaolai's ashes for up to 45 seconds. While you hold his ashes, you gain 10 armor. When you drop his ashes, all party members are healed for 60 Health10125 - for group-heal.
Soothing MemoriesFactionsRitualist. Restoration Magic 10Soothing MemoriesSpellTarget ally is healed for 70 Health. If you are holding an item, you gain 3 Energy.5¾4 - for healing.
Vengeful WeaponFactionsRitualist. Restoration Magic 10Vengeful WeaponWeapon SpellFor 8 seconds, the next time target ally takes damage or life steal from a foe, that ally steals up to 45 Health from that foe.5¼3 - for healing and damage.
Flesh of My FleshFactionsRitualist. Restoration Magic 10Flesh of My FleshSpellLose half your Health. Resurrect target party member with your current Health and 15% Energy.54 - for resurrection.
Splinter WeaponFactionsRitualist. Channeling Magic 10Splinter WeaponWeapon SpellFor 20 seconds, target ally has a Splinter Weapon. Target ally's next 4 attacks deal 35 damage to up to 3 adjacent foes.515 - to decimate grouped foes
Ancestors' RageFactionsRitualist. Channeling Magic 10Ancestors' RageSkillFor 1 second, nothing happens. When this skill ends, all foes adjacent to target ally are struck for 75 lightning damage.5¼10 - for AoE damage
Shield of AbsorptionNightfallMonk. Protection Prayers 10Shield of AbsorptionEnchantment SpellFor 6 seconds, damage received by target ally is reduced by 5 each time that ally is hit while under the effects of this Enchantment.5110 - for damage reduction.
Protective SpiritCoreMonk. Protection Prayers 10Protective SpiritEnchantment SpellFor 17 seconds, target ally cannot lose more than 10% max Health due to damage from a single attack or Spell.10¼5 - for damage reduction.
AegisCoreMonk. Protection Prayers 10AegisEnchantment SpellFor 9 seconds, all party members within earshot have a 50% chance to block attacks.10230 - for a party-wide block.
Spirit BondFactionsMonk. Protection Prayers 10Spirit BondEnchantment SpellFor 8 seconds, whenever target ally takes more than 50 damage from the next 10 attacks or Spells, that ally is healed for 70 Health.10¼2 - when taking heavy damage.
Dwayna's SorrowFactionsMonk. Healing Prayers 10Dwayna's SorrowEnchantment SpellFor 30 seconds, target ally and all nearby allies are Enchanted with Dwayna's Sorrow. If an ally dies while under the effects of Dwayna's Sorrow, your party is healed for 35.515 - for massive groupheal.
Cure HexEotNMonk. Healing Prayers 10Cure HexSpellRemove one Hex from target ally. If a Hex was removed, that ally is healed for 90 Health.5112 - for hex removal.
Signet of RejuvenationFactionsMonk. Healing Prayers 10Signet of RejuvenationSignetHeal target ally for 55. If target ally is casting a spell or attacking, that ally is healed for an additional 55 Health.18 - for healing.
Healing RibbonEotNMonk. Healing Prayers 10Healing RibbonSpellTarget other ally is healed for 80 Health. Up to 2 additional allies near target ally are healed for 70 Health.1015 - for healing.
Healing SeedCoreMonk. Healing Prayers 10Healing SeedEnchantment SpellFor 10 seconds, whenever target other ally takes damage, that ally and all adjacent allies gain 21 Health.10225 - for healing.
Resurrection ChantFactionsMonk. Healing Prayers 10Resurrection ChantSpellResurrect target party member with up to your current Health and 25% Energy. This spell has half the normal range.10615 - for resurrection.
OptionalCoreNo Profession. UnlinkedOptionalOptionalOptional. (put 10 in Command):
"Stand Your Ground!"NightfallParagon. Command 10"Stand Your Ground!"ShoutFor 15 seconds, all party members within earshot receive +24 armor when not moving.1020 - for more defense.
"Fall Back!"NightfallParagon. Command 10"Fall Back!"ShoutFor 8 seconds, all allies within earshot gain 12 Health per second while moving and move 33% faster. "Fall Back!" ends on an ally affected by this Shout when that ally successfully hits with an attack.1020 - for moving faster.
"Never Surrender!"NightfallParagon. Command 10"Never Surrender!"ShoutFor 15 seconds, all party members within earshot and below 75% Health gain +4 Health regeneration.515 - to counter pressure.
40/20/20 death magic if playing with additional enchantments like AegisCoreMonk. Protection Prayers 10AegisEnchantment SpellFor 9 seconds, all party members within earshot have a 50% chance to block attacks.10230.
Purpose, team integration[]
Bone Fiends attack ranged with a 66,6% attack speed boost (40% IAS) compared to other minions, resulting in great pressure and occasional spikes. Their damage can be further increased by team support, most notably:
Cracked armor for up to +41% damage.
Ebon Battle Standard of HonorEotNNo Profession. Ebon Vanguard rank Ebon Battle Standard of HonorWard SpellYou plant an Ebon Battle Standard of Honor at your current location. For 14..20 seconds, non-Spirit allies in this area strike for +8..15 damage and an additional +7..10 vs. Charr. PvE only.10120 for +15 damage on every attack.
Mark of PainCoreNecromancer. Curses Mark of PainHex SpellFor 30 seconds, whenever target foe takes physical damage, Mark of Pain deals 10..34..42 shadow damage to adjacent foes.10120 and BarbsCoreNecromancer. Curses BarbsHex SpellFor 30 seconds, target foe takes 1..12..16 more damage when hit by physical damage.1025 triggered by the minion attacks. Mark of pain may cause scattering.
"Go for the Eyes!"NightfallParagon. Command "Go for the Eyes!"ShoutFor 10 seconds, the next time each ally within earshot makes an attack, that attack has an additional 30..86..105% chance to critical.4 to boost the next attack's damage by 41%. Note that bone fiends' critical hits don't automatically pick the highest damage of their base damage range of 17-35, unlike the critical hits of weapons.
To ensure the survival of the bone fiends, further measures can be taken, most notably:
Blood BondFactionsNecromancer. Blood Magic Blood BondHex SpellFor 3..10..13 seconds, target foe and all adjacent foes are hexed with Blood Bond. Whenever an ally hits one of them with an attack, that ally gains 5..17..21 Health. If one of these foes dies while hexed, all allies adjacent to that foe are healed for 20..84..105 Health.518, LifeFactionsRitualist. Restoration Magic LifeBinding RitualCreate a level 1..11..15 Spirit. When this Spirit dies, all non-Spirit allies within its range are healed for 1..6..7 Health for each second this Spirit was alive. This Spirit dies after 20 seconds.10¾20 and RecuperationFactionsRitualist. Restoration Magic RecuperationBinding RitualCreate a level 1..11..15 Spirit. Non-Spirit allies within its range gain +1..3..3 Health regeneration. This Spirit dies after 15..39..47 seconds.25¾45 for additional healing. If the team is based on multiple bone fiend minion masters, consider bringing a curses support with Avatar of DwaynaNightfallDervish. Mysticism Avatar of DwaynaElite FormFor 10..74..95 seconds, your attacks deal holy damage. Whenever you use a Dervish attack skill, you lose 1 hex. Whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment, all allies in earshot are healed for 5..41..53 Health. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds.5220.
ShelterFactionsRitualist. Communing ShelterBinding RitualCreate a level 1..10..13 Spirit. Non-Spirit allies within its range cannot lose more than 10% maximum Health from a single attack. When this Spirit prevents damage, it loses 75..51..43 Health. This Spirit lasts 30..54..62 seconds.25145, UnionFactionsRitualist. Communing UnionBinding RitualCreate a level 1..10..13 Spirit. Whenever a non-Spirit ally in its range takes damage or life steal, it is reduced by 15 and the Spirit takes 15 damage. This Spirit dies after 30..54..62 seconds.15¾45 and DisplacementFactionsRitualist. Communing DisplacementBinding RitualCreate a level 1..11..15 Spirit. All non-Spirit allies within its range have a 75% chance to block incoming attacks. Every time an attack is blocked in this way, this Spirit takes 60 damage. This Spirit dies after 30..54..62 seconds.15¾45 for additional defense. Unlike bone minions used by minion bombers which are meant to die and trigger death nova, these minions are meant to survive and deal damage with attacking. Therefore the combination of minions with an ST prot is actually beneficial in this case. With their 500 health points and 63 armor at 19 death magic the bone fiends aren't triggering shelter as excessively often as bone minions either (bone horrors: 84 armor; shambling horrors@18: 80 armor 480 health; jagged horror@18: 72 armor 480 health).
Lack of exploitable corpses.
Too many minions in the team increasing the health sacrifice of blood of the master to critical levels.
Holy damage killing the bone fiends, especially Ray of JudgmentFactionsMonk. Smiting Prayers Ray of JudgmentElite SpellFor 5 seconds, target foe and all foes adjacent to this location take 5..37..48 holy damage each second and begin Burning for 1..3..3 seconds.10220.
Consume SoulFactionsRitualist. Spawning Power Consume SoulElite SpellYou steal 5..49..64 Health from target foe. All hostile summoned creatures in the area of that foe take 25..105..132 damage.515, Spiritual PainNightfallMesmer. Domination Magic Spiritual PainSpellTarget foe takes 15..63..79 damage. All hostile summoned creatures in the area of that foe take 25..105..132 damage.517, Holy SpearEotNParagon. Spear Mastery Holy SpearSpear AttackIf this attack hits, you deal +5..17..21 damage. If it hits a summoned creature, all nearby foes take 15..75..95 holy damage, and are set on fire for 3 seconds.4 and Banishing StrikeNightfallDervish. Mysticism Banishing StrikeMelee AttackIf it hits, this attack deals 10..50..63 holy damage. It deals double damage to summoned creatures.513.
Exemplary Video[]
Two discord bone fiend minion masters used in Dzagonur Bastion: