The PvXwiki community finds this to be a great build. This build has received an overall rating in the range from 4.75 to 5.0 and thus qualifies for the highest category of working builds: Great. This build has been designed for the following use: |
This build is designed to defeat the first two waves of foes in the Breaching the Stygian Veil quest in Hard Mode with traps.
Attributes and Skills[]
The energy cost of attack skills, rituals, touch skills and all Ranger skills is reduced by 48%. |
Variant: R/N HM Stygian Veil Trapper EoE Hero | |
- Armor
- Radiant insignias
- Weapons
- +20 Energy Staff of Fortitude.
- Optionally a spear or bow for additional Mark of Pain triggers.
- Set the hero to Avoid Combat mode.
- Display your Lightbringer title.
- Disable and micro Edge of Extinction, Succor, and Unyielding Aura on the hero.
- Run east to the Adept of Whispers and accept the quest Breaching the Stygian Veil. Accept the bounty from the Whispers Informant if desired.
- Wait outside aggro range of the Stygian Hungers converging from the red valley below.
- Run down into the valley and continue around the Dreadspawn Maw until you reach the spot in the hero flag image.
- Flag your hero as shown, and continue towards the group until you are in the location of the second image.
- Activate Winnowing next to the wall as shown, and activate EoE on the hero panel.
- Activate Trapper's Speed, and begin trapping in this order: Dust, Spike, Flame.
- Continue activating traps as they recharge.
- Flag your hero away as shown anytime while you are waiting for skill recharges.
- After Trapper's Speed expires the first time, activate Muddy Terrain next to the other spirit. Make sure you activate Muddy Terrain while your traps are recharging so time isn't wasted.
- Use Trapper's Speed as your timer. After it has expired a third time, lay any remaining traps, and then pull.
- Cast Mark of Pain on the nearest target to pull, then immediately run behind your spirits and activate the ward.
- As long as you remain inside the ward, Flame Trap and Spike Trap will be buffed in damage.
- Exit the valley, return to the safe spot behind the teeth, and then release the hero flag.
- Once the next wave has converged, run back into the valley, collect your drops, and repeat.
- If any enemies follow you instead of attacking your spirit, drop a Spike Trap and run. Eventually, they may give up.
- Resign after the second wave, as Stygian Fiends will show up in the third wave and can't be killed.
- Improper timing.
- Incorrect spirit and/or trap placement.
- Insufficient Lightbringer rank.
- Monsters follow you instead of attacking your spirits.
- Serpent's Quickness may be used instead of Trapper's Speed. Begin pull no later than 3/4 recharge of the second activation of SQ.
- Replace EBSoH with another spirit or trap if you don't have the EotN expansion. See discussion page for possible alternatives.
- Several Stygian Hungers will likely cast Grenth's Balance on you before they die.
- After enemies have balled up and have been knocked down, you may attack the hexed target with a spear or bow to cause additional MoP triggers. Note that attempting this may cause scatter.
- No drops are assigned to party members outside compass range, so the player will receive all drops.
- It is possible to defeat both waves using only the player build at high Lightbringer and Ebon ranks.