Green thumbs up

This build is provisionally vetted great pending more votes.

This build has received a provisional rating in the range from 4.75 to 5.0 and thus qualifies for the highest category of working builds: Great.

This build has been designed for the following use:


A pre-searing Ranger build designed primarily to farm Charr for Charr Salvage Kits, Charr Bags, upgrades (such as runes), purple weapons, and trophies in general.

Another thing this build excels at is killing scattered low level mobs for Nick items that would take longer to farm on a Monk or Elementalist.

The optimal level for farming Charr is 19 (if you have the /bonus item Igenous Summoning Stone), and 20 for everything else (although other farms can be done at a much lower level albeit slower).

Attributes and Skills[]

The energy cost of attack skills, rituals, touch skills and all Ranger skills is reduced by 36%.
Template code


  • The /bonus item, Poisonous Nevermore Flatbow is the optimal weapon especially if you upgrade it with a Charrslaying mod.
  • The stacking item's attribute +1 helmet sold for 50 Red Iris Flowers by Professor Yakkington with a Marksmansip +1 rune is optimal.
  • Attribute runes.
  • Survivor Insignias + Rune of Minor Vigor.


  • Maintain Read the Wind Read the Wind at all times. RtW offsets the arcing projectiles of the Nevermore Flatbow whilst boosting your damage.
  • Maintain Frenzy Frenzy 24/7 south of the wall to speed up the farms - in these areas you'll almost exclusively be spamming autoattacks. Be more careful in the Northlands, use it only if your pet is tanking the mobs and you're not in any danger.
  • Troll Unguent Troll Unguent is your primary skill for sustain. Won't be necessary south of the wall, but in the north you should precast it just before pulling charr. Healing Signet Healing Signet should only be used if you're not being attacked (or if you can LoS projectiles).
  • Never use Comfort Animal Comfort Animal to heal your pet, only to revive them when they die. Make the pet tank mobs (if he's not in range to pull other mobs).

Charr Farm[]

Charr farm route

The Northlands

  • Start from Ascalon City and head west until you reach the lever. Pull the lever and immediately start running towards Gate Guard Torin then through the gate.
    • Optional: lower level characters could consider taking the quest Across the Wall from Torin and then make a quick detour to the top left corner of the Northlands first. This way you get a new ally who follows you around as you kill charr and does decent damage.
  • Kill priority: Monk Charr Shaman >Ranger Charr Hunter >Warrior Charr Blade Storm / Axe Fiend > the rest.
  • Once through the portal, head north-east until you get to the first band of Charr (marked with 1 on the map). Kill any Oakhearts in the way.
    • There are 2 groups: one inside the ruins, one outside. Once you get close enough, the ones inside will storm out and go on a patrol - you should let them. Pulling both groups is dangerous unless you have a Fire Imp.
    • Kill the group that didn't move then proceed to go east towards the bosses.
  • Approach the high ground (2 on the map) and start sniping the nearest Charr to clear the area. Be wary of a patrol from the east, killing them is optional.
    • Kill the lone Blade Storm at the corner of the altar.
    • There's a patrol coming to you through the altar, pull them away. Make sure your pet doesn't go after them too early (he could pull the boss).
    • Now that the patrol's dead, pull and kill Jaw Smokeskin.
    • Next is Blaze Bloodbane, pull him away then kill him, same as the boss before.
  • Move to position 3.
    • Wait for the patrol to move east then kill the 2 Charr Warriors.
    • After they are dead let the patrol come to you and kill them away from the altar.
    • Now you can head east just like the patrol did. Pull the other 2 Charr Warriors and kill them. Note: the boss will also take aggro, but Red Eye is secondary.
  • Head back to spot 2, pull the Warriors and the last boss.
  • If your goal was to farm the bosses, the run is over. If however you want to kill more Charr, follow the yellow dots.

Other Farming Spots[]

Pre worm farm

Worm route

Worms for Baked Husks in Lakeside County

Estimated time: 1 minute

  • This one is very simple. Leave from Ashford Abbey and head north.
  • Maintain Read the Wind and Frenzy, these skills allow you to rapidly oneshot any worms that pop up. Just spam autoattacks.
  • Make your way through the field.
  • Kill wolves with Dual Shot when they aggro on you.

Pre enchanted farm 2

Stone Elemental route

Stone Elementals for Enchanted Lodestones in Green Hills County

Estimated time: 5 minutes (reset included)

  • Start from Ashford Abbey and head north, go through the portal to Green Hills County.
  • Here you'll be following the road south until you reach a high concentration of earth elementals and start to circle back towards the entrance portal.
  • As usual, RtW and Frenzy gets the job done.
  • In a single run you can kill about 30-35 elementals before having to reset.

Pre devourer farm

Devourer route

Devourers for Dull Carapaces in Regent Valley

Estimated time: 2 minutes

  • Yet again you'll exit from Ashford Abbey. This time, follow the road east and go through the portal to Regent Valley.
  • Once there, follow the road south. Kill all devourers in your way.
  • Upon reaching Master Ranger Nente you're going to race against him - there are a bunch of devourers surrounding him, and if he kills them, you get no loot.
  • After that's done head south a bit more and kill a few devourers before going back to the portal to reset the run.
    • When you reset, a devourer may spawn near the portal in Lakeside County, kill it for a chance at more loot.
  • An average run yields about 15 kills.

Pre spider farm

Spider route

Spiders for Spider Legs in Regent Valley

Estimated time: 3 minutes

  • Start from Fort Ranik and follow the road south to the orchard. Before you reach it, turn right and go towards the river.
  • Follow the river until you reach the part where you can cross it.
    • Before you cross, a group of 3 spiders should spawn near the point where you do. Move around a bit to get them to spawn. Cross the river and enter the spider cave.
  • Just keep going through the cave and kill every spider that pops up.
  • You can expect to score ~20 kills per run.
  • Note: the end of this farm is very close to the Bear Hunters minigame through which you can earn a couple of Hunter's Ales that can be sold to players.


  • Always keep an eye out for Red Iris Flowers.
  • Having a Vanguard quest in your quest log is highly recommended when farming Charr, as it comes with an armor bonus regardless of which zone you're in. This armor bonus does not stack with armor upgrades (such as Beastmaster insignias), therefore those aren't recommended.
  • Time estimates are based on max level characters.

Related Builds[]

  • Mo/E Pre-Searing Farmer – another pre-searing build, covers most notable farms this page doesn't. Mo/E can also start farming as soon as level 2, which is a big plus if you're just starting out in pre.
  • Any/W Pre-Searing Seed Farmer – specialized farm for unnatural seeds, optionally enchanted loadstones and red iris flowers.