Green thumbs up

This build is in the metagame and deserves to be stored.

This build has received an overall rating in the range from 4.75 to 5.0 and thus qualifies for the highest category of working builds: Great.

This build has been designed for the following use:


This 7 hero team is designed to farm Glint's Challenge in normal mode while you're afk. You'll gain about 800 gold pieces, a couple of Destroyer Cores and one Cloth of the Brotherhood every 20 minutes. These builds are designed to work without any equipment and without mercenary or unreasonably hard to get heroes to achieve maximum accessibility.


Any / Any Player    


Mesmer / Any Hero 1

IneptitudeWandering EyeSignet of ClumsinessArcane ConundrumAccumulated PainPower DrainEther SignetResurrection Signet

Wandering Eye
Signet of Clumsiness
Arcane Conundrum
Accumulated Pain
Power Drain
Ether Signet
Resurrection Signet
Mesmer / Any Hero 2

IneptitudeWandering EyeSignet of ClumsinessArcane ConundrumAccumulated PainPower DrainEther SignetResurrection Signet

Wandering Eye
Signet of Clumsiness
Arcane Conundrum
Accumulated Pain
Power Drain
Ether Signet
Resurrection Signet
Mesmer / Any Hero 3

PanicMistrustCry of FrustrationUnnatural SignetSpiritual PainPower DrainEther SignetPower Spike

Cry of Frustration
Unnatural Signet
Spiritual Pain
Power Drain
Ether Signet
Power Spike
Necromancer / Mesmer Hero 4

Blood is PowerBlood RenewalSignet of Lost SoulsUnnatural SignetSpiritual PainWastrel's DemiseCry of FrustrationPower Spike

Blood is Power
Blood Renewal
Signet of Lost Souls
Unnatural Signet
Spiritual Pain
Wastrel's Demise
Cry of Frustration
Power Spike
Necromancer / Mesmer Hero 5

Icy VeinsFoul FeastSignet of Lost SoulsUnnatural SignetSpiritual PainWastrel's WorryCry of FrustrationPower Spike

Icy Veins
Foul Feast
Signet of Lost Souls
Unnatural Signet
Spiritual Pain
Wastrel's Worry
Cry of Frustration
Power Spike
Necromancer / Ritualist Hero 6

Animate Flesh GolemInfuse ConditionVengeful WeaponMend Body and SoulSpirit LightSpirit TransferProtective Was KaolaiLife

Animate Flesh Golem
Infuse Condition
Vengeful Weapon
Mend Body and Soul
Spirit Light
Spirit Transfer
Protective Was Kaolai
Ritualist / Any Hero 7

Soul TwistingBoon of CreationShelterUnionDisplacementSignet of CreationMighty Was VorizunFlesh of My Flesh

Soul Twisting
Boon of Creation
Signet of Creation
Mighty Was Vorizun
Flesh of My Flesh


Template code

  • The player does not need to use any skills.
  • If available, use a defensive shield set.


Ineptitude (2)[]

You activate Spells and Signets 40% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.)
In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 33%.
Template code


You activate Spells and Signets 40% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.)
In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 33%.
Template code

Blood is Power[]

Gain 10 Energy whenever a non-Spirit creature near you dies, up to 3 times every 15 seconds.
Template code

Icy Veins[]

Gain 12 Energy whenever a non-Spirit creature near you dies, up to 3 times every 15 seconds.
Template code

Flesh Golem[]

Gain 6 Energy whenever a non-Spirit creature near you dies, up to 3 times every 15 seconds.
Template code

Soul Twisting[]

Creatures you create have 48% more Health, and weapon spells you cast last 48% longer.
Template code


  • These heroes are designed to work entirely without equipment. You don't need to invest resources for this team to work.
    • If you're using already geared-up heroes, make sure to remove their wands and staves. Otherwise enemies use Chaos Storm on them.
  • If you want to further improve the team's reliability and speed, you can provide them with equipment nonetheless. See Guide:PvE Equipment.
    • Give your heroes insignias which grant additional armour.
    • Use runes to boost their health points and used attributes.
      • 13 fast casting and 16 illusion/domination magic is ideal for the mesmers.
    • If you want to give your heroes or yourself weaponry, use shields to further enhance the individual survivability.
      • You can leave their primary weapon slot empty. The best alternative would be spears of defense.
      • Do not give your heroes wands or staves. This would cause foes to use Chaos Storm.


LoBuHiReAFKGliChaFarm Flags

Player and hero positions. Click to enlarge.

  • Show your Deldrimor rank to enable Stout-Hearted. It'll improve your heroes' performance against destroyers.
  • Set all heroes to fight mode. Fight
  • Flag your heroes centrally advanced on the ledge. Incorrect flag positions will cause issues. Use the picture to the right as a reference.
  • Position the player character vaguely left of the baby dragon. (See picture.)
  • Return after 18 minutes to reap your rewards and enter another afk farm.


  • The third mesmer is Razah. You can change his primary profession.
  • It may rarely happen that a Destroyer of Lives spawns outside of your heroes' aggro range. If you return and see that this happened, command your heroes to kill it to trigger the last wave of foes. Your time loss will only be about two minutes.


See also[]
