Green thumbs up

This build is provisionally vetted great pending more votes.

This build has received a provisional rating in the range from 4.75 to 5.0 and thus qualifies for the highest category of working builds: Great.

This build has been designed for the following use:

   ZeiRi This team requires either Zei Ri or a mercenary hero.      
This build requires Consumables to operate properly.  

AFK farm for Gate of Madness in Hard Mode or Normal Mode. This farm yields infinite experience points, sufficient to complete the Survivor title in about 12 hours in Hard Mode if using a Scroll of Berseker's Insight (which is highly recommended). This is a robust build with few requirements and high ease-of-use.


Comparison to Alternative Build[]

This build offers several advantages over the bond-based build, and one disadvantage.


  • This build does not require a special armor set. The bond-based build absolutely requires a set of low-AL 105hp armor. (However, this build does recommend high-armor classes to adjust their max HP.)
  • This build does not require any consumables, nor does it recommend any beyond a Scroll of Berseker's Insight. The bond-based build absolutely requires a Grail of Might, and recommends Candy Corn.
  • This build is flexible with respect to hero equipment. The bond-based build absolutely requires certain hero weapons.
  • This build is resilient against uncontrolled titan aggro. The bond-based build is prone to fail if titan aggro goes substantially wrong.
  • This build is reasonably effective as a general-purpose build for playing through the mission to reach the farm spot, even for inexperienced players. The bond-based build is severely gimped and many players may struggle to reach the farm spot.
  • This build does not place any constraints on the Player's secondary profession, skills, or attributes. The bond-based build requires a Monk secondary, 2 skill slots, and 13 Protection Protection Prayers via hard points plus consumables. In many cases these constraints totally gimp the Player build and exacerbate difficulties reaching the farm spot.


  • This build gains experience points only ~40% as fast as the bond-based build. (Though this may not matter much if you're planning to be AFK anyway.)





Ritual LordShelterDisplacementUnionDisenchantmentAnguishShadowsongSignet of Creation

Ritual Lord
Signet of Creation
Elementalist / Monk     

Protective SpiritSpirit BondInfuse HealthHeal OtherMend ConditionHealing BreezeEther RenewalAura of Restoration

Protective Spirit
Spirit Bond
Infuse Health
Heal Other
Mend Condition
Healing Breeze
Ether Renewal
Aura of Restoration
Necromancer / Ritualist     

Blood is PowerRecoverySignet of Lost SoulsMend Body and SoulSpirit LightProtective Was KaolaiLifeStrip Enchantment

Blood is Power
Signet of Lost Souls
Mend Body and Soul
Spirit Light
Protective Was Kaolai
Strip Enchantment
Ritualist / Monk     

Signet of SpiritsGaze of FuryAncestors' RageBloodsongEssence StrikeSmite ConditionAgonyPainful Bond

Signet of Spirits
Gaze of Fury
Ancestors' Rage
Essence Strike
Smite Condition
Painful Bond
Mesmer / Ritualist     

Energy SurgeMistrustCry of FrustrationUnnatural SignetSpiritual PainDrain EnchantmentPower DrainFlesh of My Flesh

Energy Surge
Cry of Frustration
Unnatural Signet
Spiritual Pain
Drain Enchantment
Power Drain
Flesh of My Flesh

IneptitudeWandering EyeSignet of ClumsinessClumsinessArcane ConundrumDrain EnchantmentMirror of DisenchantmentEther Signet

Wandering Eye
Signet of Clumsiness
Arcane Conundrum
Drain Enchantment
Mirror of Disenchantment
Ether Signet
Mesmer / Assassin     

Keystone SignetWandering EyeUnnatural SignetSignet of ClumsinessSignet of WearinessSignet of ShadowsMirror of DisenchantmentSymbolic Celerity

Keystone Signet
Wandering Eye
Unnatural Signet
Signet of Clumsiness
Signet of Weariness
Signet of Shadows
Mirror of Disenchantment
Symbolic Celerity



Template code

Use whatever build you like. Classes with base armor above 60AL may need additional equipment to capture aggro. See below.

RitLord Hero[]

12 + 1 + 3
Creatures you create have 52% more Health, and weapon spells you cast last 52% longer.
Template code

AI: Defensive


ER Hero[]

Your maximum Energy is raised by 48.
Template code

AI: Set the hero to Avoid Combat Avoid Combat mode.


BIP Hero[]

Gain 10 Energy whenever a non-Spirit creature near you dies, up to 3 times every 15 seconds.
Template code

AI: Set the hero to Guard Guard mode.


  • Attribute runes shown above + best Vigor Rune you can afford + Rune of Vitae in any remaining slots.
    • You can obtain the same attributes with 5 more max hp by using two major runes. However, the configuration shown requires less rune swapping to use the hero for other purposes.
  • Full Tormentor's Insignias.
  • Adept "Aptitude Not Attitude" Restoration Staff of Enchanting.
    • The staff mods are borderline irrelevant (because the hero is usually holding an urn), and therefore optional.

SoS Hero[]

Creatures you create have 28% more Health, and weapon spells you cast last 28% longer.
Template code

AI: Set the hero to Guard Guard mode.


E-Surge Hero[]

You activate Spells and Signets 40% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.)
In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 33%.
Template code

AI: Set the hero to Guard Guard mode.


Ineptitude Hero[]

You activate Spells and Signets 40% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.)
In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 33%.
Template code

AI: Set the hero to Guard Guard mode.


Keystone Hero[]

You activate Spells and Signets 53% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.)
In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 48%.
Template code

AI: Set the hero to Guard Guard mode.


Special Adjustments for High-Armor Classes[]

This farm operates most efficiently when aggro is focused on the Player. Foes balled up against the Player die quickly to AoE damage, and unmolested heroes are never distracted from damage dealing by needing to kite, so the Titan Abominations always die promptly and trigger the next spawn, leading to the best rate of experience gain.

Caster classes with 60 base AL are generally "tasty" enough to attract most of the aggro when they are the titans' closest potential target. So special adjustments are usually not needed. (In fact, casters may be able to equip a wand + shield combo for a little extra armor without losing too much aggro.)

Classes with base AL above 60 likely need to make two adjustments to better attract aggro. Bring the necessary items with you and equip them after reaching the farm spot.

  1. Equip a caster weapon (staff or wand).
  2. Adjust your runes so that the Player's max HP is the lowest in the party. It is usually sufficient to remove your Vigor Rune or add a Superior Rune that reduces max HP. Here are a few ways you might do that:
    • If you already have a secondary set of armor without a Vigor Rune in the same armor piece as your main armor set, swap that one piece.
    • If you already have a set of farming armor with Superior Runes somewhere other than the headpiece, swap on one of those pieces.
    • Use a Perfect Salvage Kit to temporarily remove your Vigor Rune.
    • Overwrite a cheap rune with a Superior Rune temporarily. (Or use a Perfect Salvage Kit to swap runes.)

Alternatively, but not recommended, if you have max Lightbringer rank, this team can usually survive against totally uncontrolled aggro for long enough to max the Survivor title. In this case, alter the positioning described below by moving the Player further away from the cliff wall so that the Titan Abominations are not blocked and are free to attack whoever they like.


Initial Set-Up[]


Flag your heroes as shown in the screenshots below:

  • Player two paces east past the rock, slightly on the cliff (north) side of the polygon seam at the bottom of the ditch. As shown in the first screenshot.
    • You want to be as far as possible from the cliff wall while still being close enough to body block Titan Abominations from going past you on the cliff side.
    • Hint: You can flag a hero here temporarily and use your aggro bubble as a "measuring tape" to position the other heroes.
  • SoS straight behind (i.e., west of) the Player, just far enough back that her spirits are not igniting from Heart of Holy Flame ending when the Madness Titans die. Just north of the red patch, as shown in the second screenshot.
  • BiP, RitLord, and ER spaced evenly on the far edge of player's aggro bubble.
    • BiP all the way clockwise against the cliff wall.
    • RitLord in the middle so her offensive spirits have a clear line of sight. (West and slightly north of Player.)
    • ER should not go further counter-clockwise than about 7:30 or Titan Abominations may be tempted to walk around south of the Player to attack the ER hero.
  • Mesmers in a line in front of backline, but further back than the SoS. If one of your mesmers has higher health or armor than the others, put it in the most southern position.
  • Space heroes wider than nearby range, to the extent possible, and always wider than adjacent range.

Position for Player for GoM AFK farm

Position for SoS hero for GoM AFK farm

Beginning the Farm[]

  • If you brought anything to help a high-armor Player attract aggro, equip it now.
  • Precast Shelter or Protective Spirit.
  • Attract the attention of the wandering Titan Abominations.
  • The heroes will begin killing titans, and new titans will spawn from the portal, indefinitely.
  • Double check that aggro is going as planned:
    • Most of the Titan Abominations should walk up to the Player and immediately begin hitting them. A few uncooperative titans now and then are not a problem. Frequent uncooperative titans require adjustment:
      • If Titan Abominations are going past the Player on the cliff (north) side, then move slightly closer to the cliff wall.
      • If Titan Abominations are going past the Player on the open (south) side:
        • Move slightly away from the cliff wall, if you can do so without letting them past on the cliff side.
        • If the Titan Abominations consistently go after heroes that are further south than the Player, such as the ER, then move those heroes a bit north (and possibly shuffle other heroes clockwise to maintain spacing).
        • If a lot of Titan Abominations are going past the Player on the open (south) side, then you need to further reduce Player max HP or armor.
      • If a lot of Titan Abominations are walking up to the Player and just standing there, then you need to further reduce Player max HP or armor. This is not a problem if it only happens occasionally. The offensive spirits will just kill them. However, it can become a problem if it happens frequently and in tandem with spirits getting killed or distracted by lingering Madness Titans. Eventually you may lose your scroll or much worse -- the portal counts blocked Titan Abominations as dead after awhile and spawns a new set, leaving you with double sets of titans to fight (or even more if it happens several times in a row).
    • If the SoS's spirits are igniting when Madness Titans die next to the Player, then move the SoS back a bit.
  • Once the farm cycle is going smoothly, activate your Scroll of Berseker's Insight.
  • Go AFK.
  • Come back in the morning.

See also[]
