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This build is in the testing phase.

Please join the discussion and rate this build if you have experience with this or closely related builds.

This build has been designed for the following use:

7 Hero team to run through most of the general content in HM. The team is focused around an Earth-Ele, whose firstly goal is to absorb most of the initial damge and ball up groups of enemies around him and secondly also dealing out a lot of damage to those enemies in the process. This alternative tank is further supported by a team with a good mix of defensive and offensive setups including some very effective knock down/interrupt skills.


Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Technobabble
Blood is Power Blood Bond Signet of Lost Souls Life Mend Body and Soul Spirit Light Ghostmirror Light Death Pact Signet
Shockwave Stone Striker Stoneflesh Aura Aftershock Crystal Wave Whirlwind Mantra of Earth Channeling
Signet of Spirits Bloodsong Painful Bond Spirit Boon Strike Ancestors' Rage Mend Body and Soul Spirit Light Flesh of My Flesh
Ritualist/Any    or 
Cultist's Fervor Demonic Flesh Vampiric Touch Unholy Feast Vampiric Gaze Strip Enchantment Angorodon's Gaze Signet of Agony
Soul Twisting Displacement Union Shelter Armor of Unfeeling Boon of Creation Spirit's Gift Earthbind
Shared Burden Frustration Wandering Eye Clumsiness Fragility Signet of Clumsiness Mantra of Persistence Power Drain
Keystone Signet Signet of Clumsiness Signet of Distraction Signet of Disruption Unnatural Signet Signet of Weariness Signet of Humility Mantra of Signets
Mesmer/Any    or 
Psychic Instability Cry of Frustration Mistrust Shatter Hex Chaos Storm Wastrel's Worry Unnatural Signet Power Drain
Shield of Judgment Holy Wrath Judge's Intervention Reversal of Damage Smite Condition Smite Hex Castigation Signet Smiter's Boon

Player Build[]

Technobabble Technobabble is a spell I highly recommend bringing with you. In my opinion a very powerful skill for easy interrupts and dazing multiple enemies.

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BiP Resto[]

Still the best option for energy management in addition with some very good healing!

Gain 10 Energy whenever a non-Spirit creature near you dies, up to 3 times every 15 seconds.
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Shockwave Tank[]

The combination off a full geomancer armor (5 geomancer insignias) with the skills Stone Striker Stone Striker and Mantra of Earth Mantra of Earth make a very useful alternative tanking build for many different situations. Add Stoneflesh Aura Stoneflesh Aura with that and your hero can really take a punch.

Your maximum Energy is raised by 30.
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  • +20% enchantment weapon.


  • Channeling Channeling with Earth Attunement Earth Attunement or Power Drain Power Drain , whatever suits you better.

SoS Resto[]

Provides excellent damage support trough spirits and is equipped with additional strong healing spells.

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Cultist's Fervor Necro[]

When you don't need the extra healing, consider swapping your SoS Resto hero for an alternative like this necromancer. This hero is almost always adjacent to some enemies and is bleeding often due to self-infliction. This makes your SoJ Monk with Smite Condition Smite Condition also a very capable damage dealer in almost every situation.

12 + 1 + 3
Gain 13 Energy whenever a non-Spirit creature near you dies, up to 3 times every 15 seconds.
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ST Prot[]

Defensive spirits provide powerful defense and support to the whole party. With Earthbind Earthbind you get maximum knock down effect.

Creatures you create have 60% more Health, and weapon spells you cast last 60% longer.
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Replace Earthbind Earthbind with:

  • Pain Pain for an extra strong damaging spirit.
  • Disenchantment Disenchantment for dealing with heavy enchanted foes.
  • Binding Chains Binding Chains when in need of some more snaring.
  • Flesh of My Flesh Flesh of My Flesh if you prefer some additional resurrection.

Shared Burden Me[]

Slow down groups of enemies and make them much easier to interrupt. This build can also deal a lot of damage and Fragility Fragility works well with the “ShockWave Tank” hero who can inflict, but also remove, different conditions at once to multiple foes. (Weakness, Cracked Armor and Blind)

Signet of Clumsiness Signet of Clumsiness is also a great knock down skill which will help your Shockwave tank hero to deal that “little” extra damage with Aftershock Aftershock .

You activate Spells and Signets 37% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.)
In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 30%.
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  • Swap the elite Shared Burden Shared Burden with Ineptitude Ineptitude for extra damage and to shut down melees by inflicting Blind.

Keystone Mesmer[]

Very good build for interrupting multiple enemies using only signets, thus no energy management needed! Very high armor rating when fully equipped with Artificer’s Insignias in combination with Mantra of Signets Mantra of Signets .

Again, Signet of Clumsiness Signet of Clumsiness is a great knock down support!

You activate Spells and Signets 50% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.)
In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 45%.
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  • If you are in need of some more hex removal, consider swapping Signet of Humility Signet of Humility with Hex Eater Signet Hex Eater Signet .

Psychic Instability Mesmer[]

Alternative mesmer build when you want even more knocking down. With this build, your hero wil deal a huge amount of damage and Psychic Instability Psychic Instability will cause some massive knock downs, interrupting large groups of enemies while keeping them inactive for up to 4sec. This will also maximize the effect for skills such as Chaos Storm Chaos Storm & Wastrel's Worry Wastrel's Worry .

You activate Spells and Signets 43% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.)
In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 36%.
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SoJ Monk[]

This smiting build is based on reflecting damage back to the attackers through the elite Shield of Judgment Shield of Judgment and the skills Holy Wrath Holy Wrath & Reversal of Damage Reversal of Damage . Whilst doing so, Smiter's Boon Smiter's Boon will also provide for some extra healing to the targeted ally. This monk is also capable of inflicting some damage himself with skills like Smite Condition Smite Condition & Smite Hex Smite Hex .

Your allies are healed for 42 Health whenever you cast Monk spells on them.
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  • +20% enchantment weapon.


  • Swap the elite Shield of Judgment Shield of Judgment with Ray of Judgment Ray of Judgment for extra damage and to inflict Burning.


  • In difficult situations, try to draw the attention towards your Shockwave Tank hero by flagging him in a forward position. (just outside your agro circle) Make sure you have Stone Striker Stone Striker and Stoneflesh Aura Stoneflesh Aura up while doing so.
  • This team really shines when the foes are starting to ball up around your Shockwave tank. In this situation, you will find that Whirlwind Whirlwind is a very effective knock-down/interrupt skill even with no attribute points in Air Magic and the skills Shockwave Shockwave and Aftershock Aftershock can deal a great amount of AoE damage.
  • You can always force your SoJ Monk to cast Shield of Judgment Shield of Judgment as well on your Shockwave Tank to knock down every attacking foe who’s going for the bait.
  • When you choose to equip your monk with Ray of Judgment Ray of Judgment , you best opt for the Psychic Instability Mesmer to prevent the enemies from scattering.
  • If you leave out your SoS Resto hero, equip another hero with a res skill. Preferably replacing Earthbind Earthbind from your ST Prot hero with Flesh of My Flesh Flesh of My Flesh .