This article might need to be rewritten.
Reason: Outdated tactics |
This build is in the metagame and deserves to be stored. This build has received an overall rating in the range from 4.75 to 5.0 and thus qualifies for the highest category of working builds: Great. This build has been designed for the following use: |
This build requires Consumables to operate properly. |
Completes the Domain of Anguish in Hard Mode under a conset.
- Used by the majority of doa teams. There are three main variants, typically used by German, French, or American guilds with minor differences in builds and splits.
- PUG teams typically do not form. The build requires at least half of the team to be experienced and good communication which can only be found in guild or alliance runs.
Main Tank (MT)[]
You have an additional 3% chance to critical hit. Whenever you critical hit, you get 1 Energy. |
- Optional
- Mantra of Resolve for inexperienced tanks.
- "You Move Like a Dwarf!" for breaking Ranger Lord and general utility.
- Shadow of Haste for more mobility.
- Weapons:
- Sword or axe of enchanting with "I have the power" +5 energy and a +10 armor vs demons shield such as Aegis of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh. Note: you may have to adjust the attributes to meet the requirement of your shield.
- High energy staff.
- Flatbow or longbow of enchanting.
- (Optional) Vampiric daggers of enchanting.
- Armor: Full Blessed insignias, Runes of Vitae and a Superior Vigor rune. A 105hp set with all superior runes is recommended for Jadoth.
- Titles: r5+ norn and r8 lightbringer are recommended
- Pcons: Candy Apples are recommended, Cupcakes should not be used, Candy Corn and War Supplies optional.
Trench Tank (TT)[]
You have an additional 3% chance to critical hit. Whenever you critical hit, you get 1 Energy. |
- Weapons:
- Sword or Axe of enchanting with "I have the power" +5 energy and a +10 armor vs demons shield such as Aegis of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh. Note: you may have to adjust the attributes to meet the requirement of your shield.
- High energy staff
- Flatbow or longbow of enchanting
- (Optional) Vampiric daggers of enchanting
- Armor: Full Blessed insignias, Runes of Vitae and a Superior Vigor rune. An infiltrator's set is optional but can help in gloom.
- Titles: r5+ norn and r8 lightbringer are recommended.
- Pcons: Candy Apples are recommended, Cupcakes should not be used, Candy Corn and War Supplies optional.
- Dash over Dark Escape for more speed at the cost of safety. Note: requires cupcake for Derv lord pull.
- Shadow Walk over Death's Charge for more shadowsteps, helps at monk lord and in gloom cave.
Caller (VoR)[]
You activate Spells and Signets 40% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.) In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 33%. |
- Weapons:
- 40/40 Domination Magic set for most of the run. You can craft those in Vasburg Armory.
- High energy set with Domination wand/offhand both with +15/-1. You can craft those in Maatu Keep. Swap to this when low energy and you have to spike.
- (Recommended) High health/Defensive set. Spear with +30hp and DoA shield.
- Armor: Radiant insignia, runes of attunement, rune of superior vigor
- Titles: r5+ norn and r8 lightbringer are recommended
- Pcons: Cupcakes, Apples, Corn are required at all times. Golden Eggs are recommended. War Supplies are optional.
- Overload can be swapped to Cry of Pain by less experienced players.
- Ebon Escape or Return over Edge of Extinction is typically used by American and French guilds. Monk will bring Edge of Extinction instead.
- Lightbringer Signet over Air of Superiority for more energy when you need it the most (foundry and city wall), at the cost of no skill recharge.
Tendril Killer (TK)[]
12 + 1 + 3 You activate Spells and Signets 43% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.) In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 36%. |
- Weapons:
- 40/40 Domination Magic set for most of the run. You can craft those in Vasburg Armory.
- High energy set with Domination wand/offhand both with +15/-1. You can craft those in Maatu Keep. Swap to this when low energy and you have to spike.
- Flatbow or longbow for pulling ele lord.
- (Recommended) High health/Defensive set. Spear with +30hp and DoA shield.
- Armor: Radiant insignia, runes of attunement, rune of superior vigor
- Titles: r5+ asuran is required.
- Pcons: Cupcakes, Apples, Corn are required at all times. Golden Eggs are recommended. War Supplies are optional.
You activate Spells and Signets 50% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.) In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 45%. |
- Weapons:
- 40/40 Domination Magic set for most of the run. You can craft those in Vasburg Armory.
- High energy set with Domination wand/offhand both with +15/-1. You can craft those in Maatu Keep. Swap to this when low energy and you have to spike.
- (Recommended) High health/Defensive set. Spear with +30hp and DoA shield.
- Armor: Radiant insignia, runes of attunement, rune of superior vigor.
- Optional Armor:|Survivor ingsignia, runes of vitae, rune of superior vigor.
- Titles: r5+ asuran is required.
- Pcons: Cupcakes, Apples, Corn are required at all times. Golden Eggs are recommended. War Supplies are optional.
- Shatter Delusions over "I Am Unstoppable!" for more spiking power if you trust your caller to knock the black beast of aargh on touch.
- Notes: you do not need to pop a summoning stone if u start Gloom
Monk Lord Killer (MLK)[]
You activate Spells and Signets 50% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.) In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 45%. |
- Weapons:
- 40/40 Domination Magic set for most of the run. You can craft those in Vasburg Armory.
- High energy set with Domination wand/offhand both with +15/-1. You can craft those in Maatu Keep. Swap to this when low energy and you have to spike.
- (Recommended) High health/Defensive set. Spear with +30hp and DoA shield.
- Armor: Radiant insignia, runes of attunement, rune of superior vigor.
- Pcons: Cupcakes, Apples, Corn are required at all times. Golden Eggs are recommended. War Supplies are optional.
- Ebon Escape over Shatter Delusions for more mobility, typically used by American guilds.
- "You Move Like a Dwarf!" over Shatter Delusions for a safer solo derv split, typically used by French guilds.
- Overload over Mistrust for more unconditional spiking power at the cost of spell prevention, typically used by German guilds.
Your allies are healed for 51 Health whenever you cast Monk spells on them. |
- Armor: Radiant insignia, runes of attunement, rune of superior vigor, protection headpiece and divine favor headpiece.
- Weapons:
- +20% enchantments staff or sword + shield or sword + off-hand.
- a 40/40 Divine Favor set for reducing UA recharge.
- (Optional) High health/Defensive set. Spear with +30hp and Demon shield.
- Titles: r5+ sunspear is required.
- Pcons: Cupcake is required at all times, Apple is recommended. Using a golden egg + candy corn before you cast blessed aura is recommended. You will only need to recast blessed aura if you die, and so should reapply the candies then.
- Aura of Stability or Life Bond Life Bond is for maintaining permanent energy the whole run as for Aura Of Stability it is more used for General Utility.
Bonder (Emo)[]
Your maximum Energy is raised by 48. |
- Armor: Radiant insignia, runes of attunement, rune of superior vigor.
- Weapons:
- Insightful staff of enchanting.
- One handed weapon of enchanting with +5 energy and a Demon shield.
- (Optional) 40/40 or 40/20/20 protection set for half cast on bonds.
- (Optional) High energy set (+30/-2) for faster recovery.
- Pcons: Cupcake is required at all times, Apple is recommended. Having 18 in energy storage is highly recommended for Veil, and required for Jadoth in City; so you need one from Golden eggs, Candy corn, or Lunar Fortunes.
- The tanks pull mobs into balls, which the mesmers then spike. The tanks are kept alive by bonds from the E/Mo and the Seed of Life from the Monk.
- This is just an outline of the techniques used to tank DoA:
- Standard Mobs: These are the easiest to pull, as the A.I. is predictable and intuitive. Simply pull in a straight line, and you will separate out the different ranges of creatures. From furthest to shortest range we have: longbow, caster, paragon, and melee. This means that you can pull everything onto 1 spot in 3 steps and a dcharge. You can reduce the number of steps required by pulling mobs around corners, this way the ranged attackers can be made to all have the same effective range.
- Balled Groups: Almost every mob in City, and some in the 1st & 4th rooms of Foundry has this A.I. feature. The group follows a pattern: they start of wandering around aimlessly, then suddenly they all regroup on 1 spot and pause for a few seconds, they then all run as a team to a different place, pause again, and then resume wandering. This cycle repeats ad-infinitum. If you aggro the group when they are in the process of suddenly regrouping, they will pull only a few steps, and thus you should always time it so that you only aggro when they are wandering or running together.
- Dream Riders: To pull a dream rider into the same ball as the terrorwebs in its group, you must first pull everything in a straight line, and then turn around and run to the right-hand side of the terrors at roughly a 45 degree angle, and stop when 2/3 or so of an aggro bubble away from the terrors. An [http:// image] of what I mean, and remember practice makes perfect.
- Mass melee: These are only really encountered in Veil, and can be extremely dangerous since the groups usually contain multiple hungers. When you aggro a group of melee monsters, the A.I. is designed to try and body-block you. They calculate where you will be if you run in a straight line, and will enclose you from both sides. Obviously to avoid this you simply need to run in curves, aggroing a mob and then running around one side of it. Most importantly, when you are tanking enemies that will kill you if they reach you e.g. hungers, DO NOT STOP. Use shadowsteps to put distance between you and the enemies, and NEVER stop to cast stuff if you don't need it, too many times I have seen people recast shadow form when it is not needed.
- Trench groups: Found only in Veil, these are the hardest to pull since you will usually not have bonds on you. The general rule is to run in straight lines, so that all arrows hit you (dodging and blocking will hurt you a lot due to the Veil HM effect, whereas the arrows themselves don't really do much other than degen). Horrors will knock you down if you are moving, brutes will only knock you down once they build adrenaline (by which time you will probably be dead).
- This is a general guide to what the spikers should be doing:
- Before each spike the Caller should put EoE down.
- Once the ball is ready, the Caller should Ping his VoR on a central target of the mob.
- Spikers should then spike the mob, and finish off any leftovers. Skill usage is generally left-to-right for the builds posted on this page.
- The UA monk should resurrect anybody that dies.
- If stuff goes wrong, do not pull aggro into the group, it is almost always better to die so that others can get away safely and rez you.
- Note that all spikers should have prot bond on them so, unless the E/Mo dies or loses energy, you can take on small numbers of enemies (provided they don't strip enchantments too much).
- This is a general overview of what the bonders should be doing:
- The monk should always follow the E/Mo, and maintain seed on him.
- The E/Mo should maintain energy by spamming spirit bond and burning speed. The E/Mo has infuse in order to heal people directly when required.
- Bonds should generally be applied like so:
- Life Bond on both tanks and E/Mo (when casting this on tanks try to ensure that it is cast before the E/Mo puts prot or balth on).
- Blessed Aura on yourself.
- Life bond on both tanks, make sure this is the first enchantment cast.
- Prot bond on the entire party.
- Balth spirit on both tanks, the monk, and yourself.
See also[]
- Team - DoA Caster Spike - Similar Build on PvX (archived). Read for more in-depth information about DoA in general.