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This build has been designed for the following use:


This GvG team build is designed to flag push or camp caster targets in general using Air of Disenchantment. It can either focus on the target training with a hammer warrior and soul barbs mesmer or keep the option to split and perform spikes by taking a paragon and lightning surge elementalist instead.

Team Overview[]

Target Camping  Split/Spike Option
Avatar of Balthazar Harrier's Grasp Radiant Scythe Wearying Strike Rending Aura Heart of Fury (PvP) Whirling Charge Resurrection Signet
Warrior/ Ritualist     
Devastating Hammer Hammer Bash Crushing Blow Protector's Strike Bull's Strike Flail Enraging Charge Death Pact Signet (PvP)
      OR Paragon /Warrior
"It's Just a Flesh Wound "Go for the Eyes!" (PvP) Vicious Attack Spear of Lightning "Watch Yourself!" (PvP) "To the Limit!" Aggressive Refrain Resurrection Signet
Stolen Speed Soul Barbs Defile Flesh Shadow of Fear Defile Defenses Power Drain Drain Enchantment Resurrection Signet
      OR Elementalist/Dervish
Aura of Restoration (PvP) Air Attunement Lightning Surge Chain Lightning Lightning Strike Shock Arrow Windborne Speed Mystic Regeneration (PvP)
Air of Disenchantment Fragility (PvP) Frustration (PvP) Signet of Humility Optional Ethereal Burden Drain Enchantment Resurrection Signet
Psychic Instability (PvP) Wastrel's Demise Wastrel's Worry Power Spike Power Drain Shatter Enchantment Drain Enchantment Dash
Restore Condition Spirit Bond (PvP) Aegis (PvP) Guardian Shielding Hands Holy Veil Aura of Stability Balanced Stance
Healing Burst Patient Spirit Infuse Health Guardian Shield Guardian Cure Hex Draw Conditions Dark Escape
Healing Burst Patient Spirit Spirit Bond (PvP) Guardian Shield Guardian Cure Hex Draw Conditions Dash


AoB Dervish[]

The energy cost of Dervish enchantments is reduced by 48%.
In PvE, gain +12 armor rating while enchanted.
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Runes and insignias



  • Camp the flag running player, prot or whichever other target is hexed with Air of Disenchantment.
  • Main Article: Avatar of Balthazar

Variant A: Target Camping[]

Position 2 Variant: Target Camping Devastating Hammer
Your attack skills gain 14% armor penetration.
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Runes and insignias


  • Vampiric hammer of defense with "Strength and Honor".
  • Sundering hammer of defense with "Strength and Honor" for accumulating lord damage.
  • Elemental hammer of defense with "Strength and Honor" against warriors.
  • Furious or zealous axe/sword of defense with "I have the power!".
  • Furious spear of fortitude with "I have the power!" and
    • Strength shield of fortitude, -20% blind duration.
    • Strength shield of fortitude, -20% cripple duration.
    • Strength shields of fortitude, +10 armor against each damage type.



  • Replace with an Enraged Smash Warrior. Take Death Pact Signet (PvP) on the dervish.
Position 3 Variant: Target Camping Soul Barbs
You activate Spells and Signets 43% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.)
In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 36%.
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Runes and insignias


  • 40/40 fast casting.
  • 40/40 curses.
  • 40/40 inspiration magic.
  • High energy set inspiration magic.
  • Spear of defense, 10%hct with
    • Strength shield of fortitude, -20% cripple duration.
    • Strength shields of fortitude, +10 armor against each damage type.

Variant B: Spike/Split Option[]

Position 2 Variant: Spike/Split Flesh Wound
You gain 2 Energy for each ally affected by one of your Shouts or Chants (maximum 5 Energy).
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Position 3 Variant: Spike/Split Lightning Surge
Your maximum Energy is raised by 30.
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Air of Disenchantment Mesmer[]

You activate Spells and Signets 37% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.)
In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 30%.
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Variable skill slot

  • Shrinking Armor Shrinking Armor with lightning surge.
  • Kitah's Burden Kitah's Burden with soul barbs.


Runes and insignias


  • 40/40 illusion magic.
  • 40/40 inspiration magic.
  • High energy set illusion magic.
  • Spear of defense, 10%hct with
    • Strength shield of fortitude, -20% cripple duration.
    • Strength shields of fortitude, +10 armor against each damage type.


  • Debuff the player who's trying to run the flag so your frontline can camp him.
    • If no flag runner is in range, camp the prot for playing offensively.
    • Else, hex a target suffering from death penalty or any caster.
  • Use Signet of Humility on the opposing party's prot monk to disable Restore Condition.
  • Main Article: Air of Disenchantment Mesmer

Wastrel's Mesmer[]

You activate Spells and Signets 34% faster. (No effect for non-Mesmer skills with a cast time less than 2 seconds.)
In PvE, the recharge time of your Mesmer Spells is reduced by 27%.
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Runes and insignias


  • 40/40 domination magic.
  • 40/40 inspiration magic.
  • High energy set domination magic.
  • Spear of defense, 10%hrt with
    • Strength shield of fortitude, -20% cripple duration.
    • Strength shields of fortitude, +10 armor against each damage type.


Restore Condition Prot[]

Your allies are healed for 29 Health whenever you cast Monk spells on them.
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  • Pick Shield Guardian over Holy Veil if anticipating pressure builds like Necromancer Balanced.
    • This makes you more vulnerable to Power Block and Power Leak.


Runes and insignias



Healing Burst Fuse[]

Your allies are healed for 32 Health whenever you cast Monk spells on them.
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  • Take Signet of Rejuvenation over Infuse Health against pressure builds.


Runes and insignias



Healing Burst Runner[]

Your allies are healed for 35 Health whenever you cast Monk spells on them.
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  • Replace Spirit Bond (PvP) with Protective Spirit against spike builds or Shield of Absorption against pressure builds.
  • Replace Shield Guardian with Shielding Hands and Guardian with Mending Touch if anticipating a dedicated split build.


Runes and insignias




Playing this team[]

Game Plan Make it impossible for the opponent to run flags so you keep boosting, 60 the opponent's prot.

  • Kill whoever carries the flag.
  • Else. camp the prot.


  • Kill their flag carrier, then capture the flag and prevent them from running a flag through.


  • Try to drain a monk from main team by splitting your elementalist.


  • Defend with wastrel's and runner, add lightning surge and prot if necessary.

Playing against this team[]

8v8 Situations

  • Your monks have to watch for AoD, removing it instantly.


  • If you risk dying by running flags and can't get it through with Aegis (PvP) stop running flags and focus on the 8v8.


  • Don't defend with your runner, you need the hex removal in main team.


  • Avoid sending elementalists against their wastrel's mesmer.

See also[]
