CoreWarrior. Axe Mastery 16DismemberAxe AttackIf it hits, this axe blow will inflict a Deep Wound on the target foe, lowering that foe's maximum Health by 20% for 21 seconds. This attack skill has 13% armor penetration.5
PropheciesWarrior. Strength 13Protector's StrikeMelee AttackIf this attack strikes a moving foe, you strike for 36 more damage. This attack skill has 13% armor penetration.5½3
PropheciesWarrior. Strength 13Warrior's EnduranceElite SkillFor 31 seconds, you gain 3 Energy each time you hit with a melee attack. Warrior's Endurance cannot raise your Energy above 23.530
FrenzyCoreWarrior. UnlinkedFrenzyStanceFor 8 seconds, you attack 33% faster but take double damage.54 for general use.
FlailNightfallWarrior. Strength 11FlailStanceFor 11 seconds, you attack 33% faster but move 33% slower.4 against mostly stationary targets or if frenzy's increased damage is considered too dangerous. Combine with either Enraging ChargeNightfallWarrior. Strength Enraging ChargeStanceFor 5..13..16 seconds, you move 25% faster. Enraging Charge ends when you successfully strike a target, at which point you gain 0..2..3 strikes of adrenaline if you hit with a melee attack.520 or "To the Limit!"PropheciesWarrior. Tactics "To the Limit!"ShoutFor each foe within earshot (maximum 1..5..6), you gain one strike of adrenaline. For 10..18..21 seconds, your maximum Health is increased by 10..50..63.515 as utility skill to fuel flail quickly.
Drunken MasterEotNNo Profession. Deldrimor rank Drunken MasterStanceFor 72..90 seconds, your movement and attack speeds are increased by 10..15%. If you are drunk while activating this Skill, your movement and attack speeds are increased by 25..33% instead. PvE only.560 with alcohol.
Damage skills (pick one or two)
Agonizing ChopNightfallWarrior. Axe Mastery 16Agonizing ChopAxe AttackWhen this attack hits, you deal +21 damage. If target foe is suffering from a Deep Wound, you interrupt that foe's action.61 artificial IAS with interruption.
Executioner's StrikeCoreWarrior. Axe Mastery 16Executioner's StrikeAxe AttackIf this attack hits, you strike for +42 damage.8
Body BlowEotNWarrior. Strength 13Body BlowMelee AttackIf this attack hits, target foe takes +36 damage. If target foe has Cracked Armor, that foe suffers from a Deep Wound for 13 seconds. This attack skill has 13% armor penetration.7 additional source of deep wound.
Brawling HeadbuttEotNNo Profession. Deldrimor rank Brawling HeadbuttSkillYou headbutt target touched foe dealing 45..70 damage and knocking down that foe if it hits. PvE only.7¾ for knockdowns. Use a stonefist insignia on a small armor piece.
Whirlwind AttackNightfallWarrior. Sunspear rank Whirlwind AttackMelee AttackAttack target and adjacent foes. Each attack that hits deals +13..20 damage. PvE only.61 in areas where it's likely to be surrounded with foes.
Cyclone AxeCoreWarrior. Axe Mastery 16Cyclone AxeAxe AttackPerform a spinning axe attack striking for +13 damage to all adjacent opponents.54 in areas where it's likely to be surrounded with foes.
Utility skills (pick one or two)
Wild BlowCoreWarrior. UnlinkedWild BlowMelee AttackLose all adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will result in a critical hit and any Stance being used by your target ends. This attack cannot be blocked.58 to remove stances.
Asuran ScanEotNNo Profession. Asura rank Asuran ScanHex SpellFor 9..12 seconds your attacks cannot miss target foe. Killing a foe hexed with Asuran scan removes 5% death penalty. PvE only.55 to bypass blocking and missing effects.
Death's ChargeFactionsAssassin. Shadow Arts Death's ChargeSpellShadow Step to target foe. If that foe has more Health than you, you are healed for 65..173..209.5¼30 shadowstep
DashFactionsAssassin. UnlinkedDashStanceFor 3 seconds, you run 50% faster.58 for quick movement and as a cancel stance for frenzy or flail.
Enraging ChargeNightfallWarrior. Strength 13Enraging ChargeStanceFor 14 seconds, you move 25% faster. Enraging Charge ends when you successfully strike a target, at which point you gain 3 strikes of adrenaline if you hit with a melee attack.520 for additional adrenaline and as a cancel stance for frenzy or flail.
"To the Limit!"PropheciesWarrior. Tactics 9"To the Limit!"ShoutFor each foe within earshot (maximum 4), you gain one strike of adrenaline. For 16 seconds, your maximum Health is increased by 40.515 for immediate extra adrenaline. Combines well with flail. Lower strength to 10+1 and increase tactics to 8+1. Don't use sentinel's insignias.
"I Am Unstoppable!"EotNNo Profession. Norn rank "I Am Unstoppable!"ShoutFor 16..20 seconds, you have +24 armor and cannot be knocked down or Crippled. PvE only.530 to counter knockdowns.
"Save Yourselves!"FactionsWarrior. Kurzick rank "Save Yourselves!" (Kurzick)ShoutFor 4..6 seconds, all other party members gain 100 armor. PvE only.8 if your team needs the defense.
Use your staff when you need to cast a non-attack energy skill but don't have the energy for it.
Switch to your shield set when you can't reach a foe to still gain adrenaline, when you're about to die or when you're idle.
Maintain Warrior's EndurancePropheciesWarrior. Strength Warrior's EnduranceElite SkillFor 5..29..37 seconds, you gain 3 Energy each time you hit with a melee attack. Warrior's Endurance cannot raise your Energy above 10..22..26.530.
Use "I Am Unstoppable!"EotNNo Profession. Norn rank "I Am Unstoppable!"ShoutFor 16..20 seconds, you have +24 armor and cannot be knocked down or Crippled. PvE only.530 when you want to move but are crippled, when you expect to be knocked down soon or when you get hit by armor dependant damage. Don't use it for no particular reason before combat or at start of the combat.
Use FrenzyCoreWarrior. UnlinkedFrenzyStanceFor 8 seconds, you attack 33% faster but take double damage.54 or FlailNightfallWarrior. Strength FlailStanceFor 1..12..16 seconds, you attack 33% faster but move 33% slower.4 to attack faster.
Use DashFactionsAssassin. UnlinkedDashStanceFor 3 seconds, you run 50% faster.58 or Enraging ChargeNightfallWarrior. Strength Enraging ChargeStanceFor 5..13..16 seconds, you move 25% faster. Enraging Charge ends when you successfully strike a target, at which point you gain 0..2..3 strikes of adrenaline if you hit with a melee attack.520 to close the gap to foes quickly or to cancel your ias stance because of its downside effect.
"To the Limit!"PropheciesWarrior. Tactics "To the Limit!"ShoutFor each foe within earshot (maximum 1..5..6), you gain one strike of adrenaline. For 10..18..21 seconds, your maximum Health is increased by 10..50..63.515 can fuel flail immediately and does not cancel your current stance. Use it mid-combat for an additional adrenaline boost.
Use Wild BlowCoreWarrior. UnlinkedWild BlowMelee AttackLose all adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will result in a critical hit and any Stance being used by your target ends. This attack cannot be blocked.58 to remove stances or Asuran ScanEotNNo Profession. Asura rank Asuran ScanHex SpellFor 9..12 seconds your attacks cannot miss target foe. Killing a foe hexed with Asuran scan removes 5% death penalty. PvE only.55 to bypass effects which would make you miss an attack.
Use DismemberCoreWarrior. Axe Mastery DismemberAxe AttackIf it hits, this axe blow will inflict a Deep Wound on the target foe, lowering that foe's maximum Health by 20% for 5..17..21 seconds.5 and Body BlowEotNWarrior. Strength Body BlowMelee AttackIf this attack hits, target foe takes +10..34..42 damage. If target foe has Cracked Armor, that foe suffers from a Deep Wound for 0..12..16 seconds.7 to apply deep wound on targets in your range.
Use Power AttackCoreWarrior. Strength Power AttackMelee AttackIf this attack hits, you strike for +10..34..42 damage.53 and Executioner's StrikeCoreWarrior. Axe Mastery Executioner's StrikeAxe AttackIf this attack hits, you strike for +10..34..42 damage.8 for additional damage.
Use Protector's StrikePropheciesWarrior. Strength Protector's StrikeMelee AttackIf this attack strikes a moving foe, you strike for 10..34..42 more damage.5½3 and Agonizing ChopNightfallWarrior. Axe Mastery Agonizing ChopAxe AttackWhen this attack hits, you deal +5..17..21 damage. If target foe is suffering from a Deep Wound, you interrupt that foe's action.61 immediately after an attack of yours hit the foe. This will cancel the current attack's animation end, resulting in a further increased attack speed.
Use Whirlwind AttackNightfallWarrior. Sunspear rank Whirlwind AttackMelee AttackAttack target and adjacent foes. Each attack that hits deals +13..20 damage. PvE only.61 or Cyclone AxeCoreWarrior. Axe Mastery Cyclone AxeAxe AttackPerform a spinning axe attack striking for +4..10..13 damage to all adjacent opponents.54 when multiple foes are standing adjacent to you.
Activate "Save Yourselves!"FactionsWarrior. Kurzick rank "Save Yourselves!" (Kurzick)ShoutFor 4..6 seconds, all other party members gain 100 armor. PvE only.8 when your team needs the additional defense. Keep it charged and ready instead of using it whenever possible.