Collecting 3 Scorched Lodestones per gift
Located in Old Ascalon, west of Sardelac Sanitarium (Ascalon)
  • Farm Elementalist Stone Elementals, Warrior Boulder Elementals and Warrior Hulking Stone Elementals.
    • Easiest methods:
      • Use any farming build in normal mode..
      • Enter Old Ascalon from the Sanitarium, use a Gladiator's defence or triple chop farmer to kill the elementals outside in Hard Mode, including a possible two bosses.
    • Fastest method:
      • Obtain the The Geomancer's Test quest (prophecies characters with elementalist secondaries only). There are large numbers of Stone Elementals, Boulder Elementals, and Hulking Stone Elementals patrolling the giant circular area in Pockmark Flats outside of Serenity Temple (the quest also eliminates other enemies in the crater area while active). Despite temptation, do not waste the Scorched Lodestones by placing them on the altars.