
Style of "save" button on ratings page

input.button, a.button { color: #fff !important; }
input.button:hover, a.button:hover { color: #999 !important; }

I don't know which buttons this was intending to format, but it looks a bit awkward on the "Save" button on a ratings page in Firefox. Could we either delete these rules, or set the non-hover color to black and the other colour to be a slightly darker gray than currently? - Chieftain Alex 14:10, 4 May 2013 (UTC)

I honestly can't see the sections you're pointing out. ~ PheNaxKian talk 20:43, 5 May 2013 (UTC)
oh crap the css i was looking at is called "hydra.css" but its on curse's site >.> - Chieftain Alex 20:49, 5 May 2013 (UTC)
This is something you'd have to take up with them. Without looking into detail about how the CSS is handled in regards to Wiki and Curse I don't want to risk messing up their pretty banner and footer. ~ PheNaxKian talk 20:52, 5 May 2013 (UTC)
I've added the relevant line to my css and it works ok, I've restricted it to the save button within the ratings form so it won't affect anything else. !important tag apparently over-rides the curse default. - Chieftain Alex 20:57, 5 May 2013 (UTC)
Yes, "!impotant" basically informs the CSS to disregard any rules/properties that would normally override this particular rule and render with that property instead (CSS has a hierachy so inline CSS is more important than .css file rule, but if the rule in the file has !important, that one will supersede the inline one). ~ PheNaxKian talk 21:01, 5 May 2013 (UTC)
Added to MediaWiki:Common.css. Refresh your cache to see the change. ~ PheNaxKian talk 21:04, 5 May 2013 (UTC)