
If anyone cares: I don't currently (and rarely have in the past) played core for top guilds. This is usually due to my lack of interest in playing guild wars often enough to be competitive and the fact that I'm mostly good at playing bitchrole midliners and sins. That being said I know the game inside and out as far as skills and mechanics go and was a top HB player. Currently I'm riding bench for vR and guest for a bunch of other american guilds when I'm on/they need someone. Cheers, smd, i love you all.--TahiriVeila 05:44, 24 November 2010 (UTC)

Moar votes people.--TahiriVeila 17:24, 5 December 2010 (UTC)

wait what, these are down to votes nowadays? -Auron 22:07, 5 December 2010 (UTC)
